Scholarships & Grants For the well-being of divorced and widowed Muslim women in the United States.


Ikram is the foundation for empowerment of Muslim women. We recognize the unique struggles of Muslim women in the United States. 100% of online donations are zakat eligible, tax deductible, and directly fund clients’ education.




Years of
the Foundation

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Who We Are

What We Do

Ikram is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, concerned with the well-being of divorced and widowed Muslim women in the United States.


The Foundation for Empowerment of Muslim women seeks to enhance the dignity of Muslim women by empowering them through education.


Ikram envisions itself as a leading organization promoting education and skills training for Muslim women in the United States. We believe that education is the cornerstone of justice and equal opportunity.


To reduce economic hardships for divorced and widowed Muslim women through education. To develop the institutional capacity of the Foundation. To conduct research and provide accurate information and educational material on the status of Muslim women.
Help us Make a lasting impact today.

Education, Scholarships & Grants


Ikram Employment & Career Prep Program

Degree Program

Vocational Program

Join Us

Through the Ikram Degree Program – Clients will enroll in an Associate or Bachelor’s program that best fits their career goals.
Through the Ikram Vocational Program – Clients will enroll in a specialized certification to become certified in a particular skill sets. Ikram will work with clients to find the best fit vocational program.
Invest in the education of divorced & widowed Muslim women & help us make a lasting impact today.
Education, Scholarships & Grants

The Iman Al-Shingieti Scholarship Program

Education, Scholarships & Grants

Iman was one of the founders and the first executive director of Ikram Foundation.

Iman was one of the founders and the first executive director of Ikram Foundation. The Iman Al-Shingiethi Scholarship is a reminder of our organization’s roots and what we strive to accomplish.

Iman passed away suddenly in February of 2015, and left us with an revolutionary organization that is Ikram. Ikram Foundation established the Iman Al Shingieti Scholarship Fund to commemorate her dedication and hard work. She will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

our partners


Our Approach

Income security

Income Security

We are increasing earning capacity by helping women further their education

Community support

Community Support

Building community around our students to support, encourage and empower

Sense of worthiness

Sense of worthiness and purpose

Getting an education and working towards a goal is something that brings


Mentoring and paying it forward

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support

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Invest in the education of divorced & widowed Muslim women & help us make a lasting impact today.
